In the latter part of the 20th century, viewers of television and film encountered a plethora of intelligent machines, including characters like Rosie from "The Jetsons," B-9 from "Lost in Space," HAL 9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey," and the iconic duo C-3PO and R2-D2 from the "Star Wars" saga.
Science fiction not only introduced humanoid robotic characters but also portrayed, in a dramatized manner, the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on human existence. While the concept of AI is not recent, with early exploration by mathematicians and scientists in the 1950s, technological limitations hindered the practical application of their theories.
In today's age of big data, AI has become an integral part of daily life, streamlining tasks and enhancing efficiency across various industries such as banking, entertainment, technology, retail, and marketing. This widespread adoption has led to a surge in AI-related jobs at all career levels.
Examining data from a 2022 McKinsey report, Revelo identified top AI jobs based on companies that have incorporated AI into at least one function. The World Economic Forum anticipates shifts in job tasks due to the integration of AI, with both job creation and displacement. According to a PwC AI study cited by WEF, any job losses from automation are expected to be offset by new jobs in the long run, as these technologies contribute to a larger and wealthier economy.
The analysis delves into the percentage of companies hiring for specific roles related to AI and extends this measurement to "AI high-performers," industry leaders in AI adoption. This data provides insights into the evolving landscape of AI-related employment opportunities.
Data architects
Percentage of companies reporting hiring for this position in the last year:
-33% among AI high-performing companies
-31% across all other companies
Data architects, merging computer science and design expertise, meticulously examine an organization's data structure to enhance and create database models. Their responsibilities involve storing and structuring company data for seamless retrieval. Proficiency in SQL, Oracle database management systems, and data visualization software is essential for data architects. Given the need for robust company-wide architecture in AI initiatives, the role of data architects is pivotal for the success of AI projects.
Machine learning engineers
Percentage of companies indicating hiring for this position in the previous year:
-58% among AI high-performing companies
-27% across all other companies
Machine learning engineers are responsible for crafting, building, and testing artificial intelligence programs, software, predictive models, and algorithms that empower machines to recognize patterns and operate autonomously. Their skillset encompasses scripting, programming, as well as expertise in data science and statistics. These engineers are continuously challenged with enhancing the intricate design of a company's machine learning systems, meeting the growing demand for their expertise.
AI data scientists
Percentage of companies reporting hiring for this position in the previous year:
-60% among AI high-performing companies
-31% across all other companies
AI data scientists leverage analytical and coding skills to analyze data, extracting information crucial for designing tailored solutions for organizations. They present their findings and recommendations to stakeholders, aiding in strategic, informed decision-making. Specializing in AI, data scientists input information into programs to emulate and optimize existing processes while developing innovative strategies. The demand for data scientists is high as AI technology evolves, with individuals in these roles playing a key role in enabling companies to make informed decisions with data and automate business processes for enhanced efficiency and reduced operational costs.
Data engineers
Percentage of companies reporting hiring for this position in the previous year:
-46% among AI high-performing companies
-37% across all other companies
Data engineers are primarily responsible for constructing data channels to efficiently route information from diverse sources. They work to consolidate, clean, and structure raw data, making it accessible and comprehensible for business analysts. In tandem with the need for data scientists to gather and analyze data, the role of data engineers is crucial in transforming it into a format usable by AI models.
Software engineers
Percentage of companies indicating hiring for this position in the previous year:
-42% among AI high-performing companies
-40% across all other companies
Software engineers enjoy a diverse array of career options, encompassing the design and development of programs, ranging from computer games to network control systems. Their primary responsibility involves creating and optimizing business applications, rendering them highly sought-after professionals in various industries. A robust understanding of computer engineering and programming languages is essential for software engineers. In the realm of AI, these professionals are not only instrumental in building AI applications but also play a crucial role in maintaining AI systems. Their expertise is invaluable to the trajectory of AI companies, as the AI models they construct contribute significantly to informed decision-making within organizations.