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May 02, 2024
In Authors and Writters
La Addiccion Las palabras no me alcanzan, Para estar en tu presencia. Y con dolor pago tu desprecio. Mis ojos contemplaron la hermosura hecha mujer, Y se hicieron adictos a su imagen. Triste desprecio, sufre mi corazon. Pobre y abatido, recorro las calles. Mi corazon anela la abundancia, Y la prosperidad, pero mas aun tu aceptacion. Triste adiccion, sufre mi corazon, la hermosura hecha mujer que mis ojos contemplan. --- Su Recuerdo Llegaste a mi vida, cuando menos lo esperaba. Alegres anduvimos, acordamos, nos disfrutamos. Bella Melisa, que fue de ti? El recuerdo queda, de nuestros cuerpos. Entregandose, mutuamente. Fue felicidad, o fue despecho. Que nos tuvimos, y nos dejamos. Que a sido de ti, nena alegre? Cuando volveremos a compartir el aire de vida? Solo los recuerdos queda, pero son inolvidables. --- Ojos Inocentes En la juventud nuestra, nuestros ojos inocentes se enamoraron. Tu, siempre tan bella, o Samanta, y yo torpe como siempre. Eras la nena mas linda de la prepa, como no podre recordarte? Nos vimos, acordamos, y nos besamos publicamente. En frente de todo mundo. Fuiste mia, y yo tuyo, inocentemente nos quisimos. El mejor beso del mundo, lo disfrute yo, y fue contigo Samanta. #poemasromanticos #labia #poeta
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 09, 2024
In Crypto Currency Assets
Siclo Crypto Coin (SCC) is an innovative Non-Fungible Token (NFT) built on the Rarible platform, designed to revolutionize the NFT industry. Priced at 0.0002 ETH per token and with 1 billion NFTs available for sale, SCC offers buyers a unique opportunity to participate in the burgeoning NFT market while unlocking new possibilities for creative expression and financial gain. Collectible Assets: Acquire SCC NFTs as collectible assets, adding unique and rare tokens to your digital portfolio. Showcase your NFT collection to friends, fellow collectors, and the broader NFT community, establishing yourself as a discerning connoisseur of digital art and culture. Siclo Crypto Coin (SCC) offers buyers a lucrative opportunity to participate in the fast-growing NFT market, combining investment potential, utility, and community engagement into a compelling value proposition. Join the SCC revolution today and unlock the future of NFTs with Siclo Crypto Coin. #cryptocurrency #nft #rarible #cryptoeconomics
Siclo Crypto Coin NFT worth $390,000,000 Market Share Hits Rarible content media
Premium Subscriber
Premium Subscriber
Mar 09, 2024
In Crypto Currency Assets
The new form of currency is here. Check this new NFT, with a market share of $826.80 Million USD, only on Rarible. The Cuadrante Coin is readily available for purchase at a price of 0.0001 ETH. Get access to 2.120 Billion Cuadrante Coins only on Rarible. With each coin worth 0.0001 ETH given the controversy, the total value of this NFT market share is $826.8 Million USD. Access this modern form of Crypto Economics and increase your wealth by supporting this NFT. Purchase and trade this new crypto currency market share on Rarible. #nft #etherium
Cuadrante Coins NFTs For Sale content media
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 07, 2024
In Tournaments
Hello, welcome to the March 16 Marvel Vs Capcom Tournament. Rules: 1. In order to participate you must first sign up on Cyber Sparrow by creating a new account. 2. Type your name below in the comment section confirming you are going to participate. 3. Take part in the game fights. To earn points, you must win. Lose or draw counts like a loss. 4. The player that won two of three fights continues in the bracket. 5. To create a session, you must access the game settings in the iframe and start an online lobby. Prizes: 1. First place gets $150 pesos. 2. Second place gets $100 pesos. 3. Third place gets $50 pesos. #tournament
Marvel Vs Capcom Tournament content media
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Jan 08, 2024
In News
Have you ever wanted to give color to your posts on social media? Well, you could do that with us here at Cyber Sparrow. See the examples below: 00111110001010100001000001101000000111010100110110 00100100011001100010010001011110101100110001010000 00101000111010111001000111110100100110011000010000 10000101110011110101011110101001001100011111111111 00100000011111011101011101001000101011101010111101 01011101101111111000010010111111110010011010011011 11011111110101000101101110100000101110010110000011 01110001001110010000111011010000111101011001000010 01010000011000101010111000011010101111011110000111 10010110110001010100110100111001111100010011110000 10010101001001100110110101001010111010000000001001 00010100101000001101010100101101101100110000001000 00000111101101110101001011000010101000100010011100 11101011111001000100100011101000011110000011101000 01110101101111101101100000001110011000111010100101 11101110100000100111111110000101000111101011100101 10101001000000001110100110000111110100001111011100 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&&B#BB&@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&#BBBB5Y5B@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&#BBG55PGG@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&##GGPY?JPB@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@&&&&&&&&#BBGGPJJ5G&&&@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@#&&@@@#&&&&B##BBBBPPBG5@@&@@@@@@@@ @@@@&BGB&&&&&#####&###BGPGPJP##YJ#@@@@@@ @@&BGGPG&&&&&BPPPPGG#BG5YJ7!PBBY!!B@@@@@ @#GGGPG&@@&&&BGPGP55GGP55J?JB##BJ7P@@@@@ @BBGGB&&&&###&BGPGPGBG5PPJ?B#&BPPJG@@@@@ @@&&##&&&&&&@&BBGBBGPPPP55GPBBGPJYJ&@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@B##BGBBBGPGB#BB&GG55Y#@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@&###BBBBBBBBB&@@#BBBPP@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@BBBGGGGP555555&@#BBP?~B@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@#BBGGGP55YY555&@&GGP5JG@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@#&###BPPP5GBGY?!?P@&GGPJB@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@&G#####GPGB##5!~:!7&@BPP5@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@&GGBB#&BBB###P?7!~?&@#GJ5&@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@&GGGGB&&&&&##P!~~!5@##G?J&@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@BBBB#&&&@&#BP7^~7P@&##BB@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@#BGG##&&@#GGP5?~?&@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@&GGGB##&@#BB#BGYG@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@#BBBGB&@@#GPBGP&@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@#BBBBG&@&BYYP55&@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@GPGP5YG@BG5YY5J#@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@#GGP5PP&BGPPGPJG@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@BBGPP#&BGPGGPYB@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@BGPPP&@BGPP5YP@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@#BGGP#@#GP5YJ#@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@&GGBGPPBBBGP5Y#@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@&GGGGPPPBBBBGB@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@BBG555G@BPPPPP&@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@###GGBB&BBGPP5B@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#GBGGPYYB@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@######GGB@@@@@@@@@@@
Premium Subscriber
Premium Subscriber
Jan 07, 2024
In News
One of the awesome features Cyber Sparrow has to offer is that you could edit your letters with different colors. Is crazy how other platforms really don't allow users to do just that. White Red Blue Purple Yellow Orange Green Light Blue Those where just a few of the thousands of colors you could chose from. Be kool, chirp like a pro with Cyber Sparrow.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2023
In News
Apparently Twitter seems to be down. The issue happened around 12 AM CST December 21, 2023. How did I noticed? Well I was browsing Twitter like I normally do, then when I refreshed the page, all the posts were gone C_C. If anyone needs a Twitter backup, create an account at We'll keep your posts safe for a very long time. #twitterdown
Twitter is down content media
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 01, 2023
In News
Okay, here is the code you want to use in order to embed any image from Twitter, Google or any site. I haven't verified if facebook works though. <IMG border=0 width=100%" height=800" src=""></a><IMG border=0 width=0 height=0> Paste your image address inside the two "" after src=. Here is an example: <IMG border=0 width=100%" height=100%" src=""></a><IMG border=0 width=0 height=0> Ensure to adjust the width and height measurements too within the edit iframe width and height section. #iframe
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 30, 2023
In News
I got a big surprise on the way, seems Cyber Sparrow is going to be greatly benefited, and everyone on this platform too. It's something kool. #newsevent
Big surprise on the way content media
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Premium Subscriber
Nov 28, 2023
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Nov 26, 2023
In News
Regarding adult-themed explicit images, let me be clear about something. The hosting company that hosts our content is Wix, and according to their policy, nudity could harm the site. This is the reason I have embedded services instead of hosting images from people, this saves us the hassle of blocking users who break the explicit images and nudity policy set by Wix. Images and videos should be similar to TikTok, Instagram, or Facebook. I have no issues embedding images from Twitter, yet keep in mind that we have to have a strict policy regarding nudity and other types of harmful content, like harmful violence or similar content. For now, the things I have shared have not turned on any red lights. I personally think that allowing embedded services works perfectly fine, this saves us lots of work from having to hire mods that constantly have to check posts that break the community guidelines. If you guys use storage services from Google Drive, YouTube, or TikTok, the site-embedded services work perfectly well. That would only take a few clicks to share the iframe code on our iframe element. Chirp on, write, embed, and be happy.
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Nov 26, 2023
In Outdoors
Testing the embeded image feature by storing in Google Drive
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Nov 20, 2023
In News
If I were to compare Starlink to other satellite ISPs, I would say Starlink is perhaps better than others due to capabilities. Yet, Starlink is almost obsolete when competing in today's real-world necesities. If someone does not want to be thrown 10 years back in time, and deal with slow internet, constant packet loss, and perhaps privacy, then people are better off with some other ISP. Specially when having access to other ISP services that run on different technology, like cable or dsl, if for any reason fiber optic is not available. When comparing Starlink to other types of ISP technologies like DSL, Cable, or fiber optic, I would rate Starlink with a 2 out of 10. The constant lag issues make playing multiplayer games a complete challenge, specially when the ping could go up to 999 once or twice every 10 minutes or so. Forget about good records on any form of live gaming, say goodbye to livestreaming on any platform. If anyone happened to finally get off the hook from work, and came up with a livestreaming company, then live stream no more. You are better off working for uber or something. At least they are not going to give up your privacy info to some communist country. With the high prices to purchase the technology, Starlink is alright in remote areas, with the risk of losing valuable data due to privacy concerns. I would say anyone is better off investing five hundred bucks on forex or some stock which could return that value within days or something. #internetservices #honestreview
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Nov 12, 2023
In News
I have said this before, and here is Toyota's awesome answer. Let the video do the talking. I hope the other big auto-makers jump in the water engines too, because a greener world is on the way. #electrolysis
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Nov 08, 2023
In News
Some government officials are really into global population reduction. Especially those who have large-sized countries with a very small population. I mean, that allows them to really become dictator-like, without allowing a true democracy to thrive. A true democracy is where the citizens of the country have control over the government by voting. What is the point of the government controlling everything in a democracy, isn't that why some escaped Europe to create their new form of government? The people vote for their candidate, and the candidate in return has to fulfill the given promises to the people. The issue is that some government officials have only studied politics, and really have no idea how the world happens to be. These new EV cars look like the way to go, yet when you consider the available resources, they try to sell you the metric ton by the millions. I mean, is not like I came up with these numbers. Why not instead use nature logic, and with a few tweaks, turn a conventional gasoline vehicle into a conventional hydrogen vehicle? We are talking about way more cubic kilometers of ocean water, which could easily provide a small percentage for us to use as a hydrogen source. Many engineers and car mechanics agree on one thing, a few plastic hoses, a water reservoir to make electrolysis happen, and a liter of salt water are cheap and effective. No need to throw your car away, no need to make people spend money they don't have, and no need for a new type of way to diminish our God-given democracy over the rants of dictator-minded prime ministers and corrupted billionaires. Democracy works this way, people pay taxes to fund a government, which in return is going to do for the people. They create laws to help benefit the people, not to extinguish their freedom. That is why we vote for a president, not prime ministers. But, why is some prime minister from another country would want to force a CEO of an industry to create something that is not worth the cost and effort? Is this part of their global population reduction scheme? Communism and Fascism have things in common and are different this way, they both have someone in power for a long time over different terms, yet communism has a dictator and fascism a prime minister. They both claim the people put them there to serve. However, both kill the people, the ones who feed them, and both try to force people from other countries to do what they want. What makes sense to do with the current car industry? Instead of making car makers create an entirely new type of car, why not have them create the parts to adapt to a combustion engine instead? That would create work for mechanics, ease up on people's pockets, and not feed debt for what most people consider a liability. A water reservoir, a few hoses, and pipe fittings would help reduce global warming and create many jobs no machine could do. Let us live in a pro-human world, not an anti-human one.
The EV car industry lie forced by corrupted prime ministers who act like dictators content media
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Nov 02, 2023
In Music
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Nov 01, 2023
The time traveler content media
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Oct 31, 2023
In Outdoors
Tik tok tik tok
Ticking Clock content media
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Oct 30, 2023
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Oct 21, 2023
In Art and NFTs
Hello, here is my latest book with title "The Epistles of a Lieutenant". I hope you enjoy reading this craft. #ebook


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